Back to Hogwarts II

Another year, another September 1st, and everyone is still pining away and wishing Hogwarts was real. [And yes, I am part of that group]
Instead of writing another post about this, I will direct you to my fantastic post from last year – which still sums up my thoughts on the matter.
Please click here.

Despite the towering amount of books in my TBR pile, I am seriously considering a Harry Potter re-read!

awesome_Jenna Coleman.gif


see you later_Tyler Hoechlin.gif

ARCs & Giveaways: SEPTEMBER

ARCs and Member Giveaways (via LibraryThing) for September 2015

Warren the 13th and the All-Seeing Eye by Tania Del Rio (GR)
Reason for Existence by Richard Botelho (GR)

Member Giveaways
The Season of Lightning by Kate Avery Ellison (GR)
The Devil’s Fool by Rachel McClellan (GR)